Sunday, 31 July 2011

Winter gardening

After far too much socialising and not enough house work the last couple of weeks things were less than brilliant at home. So yesterday we had a massive tidy up inside-boring, but it feels much happier in our home now-and today we got out in the garden and enjoyed the sunshine as we worked to exhaustion. Consequently the chickens are very content with lots of weeds to nibble and scratch at, the compost and green waste bin are both full to the brim, and there is lots more to do. Our green waste collection doesn't come for another 15 days, and something tells me that the collection guys aren't going to be too chuffed when they get to our house and see layers and layers of palm fronds stacked next to multiple bins.

We should have taken some before and after photos because right now the yard looks like there is much more to do and it is easy to overlook how much we have already done. The only reminder I have at the moment is the fact that I can't stand up any longer, or wash all the dirt off my fingers. This is the best and worst part of winter gardening; the temperature is pleasant for working non-stop in the sun and yet it is very easy to over do it.

Mmmmm, the smell of curry is filling our house and I can't wait for dinner. Home made curry and home made naan bread (from scratch) is such a good reward for a hard days work. Can't wait.

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