Monday, 29 August 2011

Spring cleaning


This weekend we were going to go on a nice walk through the National Park, but when we looked at our yard that plan got postponed to next weekend.

With such nice weather Mark and I had a sudden urge to spring clean-in the garden of course. A palm tree had slowly died in our backyard, and last weekend we gave it a nudge and the whole thing came out of the ground. So the job this weekend was to get rid of the stump and find a plant to put in the hole.

Getting rid of the stump required a new chainsaw and a hire truck, and once Mark had those 2 items at his disposal he chainsaw massacred the garden. We have rid our garden beds of palm fronds (until the next big storm at least) and have added a well established Madonna Lily to an existing garden bed. It looks so great that we want to get another one to put in there next weekend.

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