A while ago now I became aware that I'd been putting off a few craft projects not so much for a lack of time, but due to a fear of failure. In my mind, this is the worst kind of fear. What makes it worse in my case is that I have an unbelievable amount of crafting supplies sitting around the house (taking up space in Lara's wardrobe). I mean, I've already brought the material, so I may as well make the project. I had to ask myself "what is the worst thing that can happen?", and the very simple answer was that I'd make a mistake which in most instances can be undone and fixed, or in the case of my latest project I'd make a complete mess of it and have to throw away some not very expensive material-which really wouldn't be a bad thing since I'm making a very conscious effort to de-clutter any way. Honestly, my recent crafting is a bi-product of de-cluttering.
My first project was a heat pack that I made based off a heat pack I already have. I'm not too disappointed with my first attempt at this project, but like most things I attempt, after the first trial I come up with ways and means to make it better and/or easier to accomplish the second time...only time will tell if I manage to make a second one.
First heat pack made with nautical material and appropriately gifted to an achy old sea dog. |
So with that project being relatively successful I broke out an old roll of material that I got dirt cheap years ago and never did anything with. The plan was to make a change table cover out of it, assuming that the curtain material (with backing) would be a good barrier from dampness, but acknowledging that it could be a little tricky to work with-particularly for someone like me with very limited skills. I found a pattern
here but my change mat is an unusual size and either something went amiss with my adjustments, or it was just my lack of skill that meant this is now a better bassinet mattress protector. It may also have had something to do with me using a different size elastic since that was what was in my sewing kit, and I was meant to be using up materials, not purchasing more. So I kept adding more and more elastic until it became perfectly apparent that the seams were indeed too close together. Oh well, living and learning.
A not so perfect hand made change mat cover...if at first you don't succeed-use it as something else. |
In all honesty, I'm rather proud of myself for not letting this failure crush my confidence. This is a big deal for a reformed perfectionist. My sewing machine is like a family heirloom, and as such the manual is MIA, so I needed to use good ol' YouTube for help. This
link helped me out, even though it is a bit slow and repetitive for my attention span, it encompasses the principals of good teaching; repetition.
And its funny, because the more you do, the more you realise you can do, and the more you are willing to attempt. I've also mended (hand sewn) three items of clothing, two of which have been sitting around for the best part of a year, so I'm feeling pretty good about myself.
I've also been doing a touch of knitting and card making for a very special little person; my nephew. Olivia was given the green and white baby blanket when she was born, and it is the perfect size for when she is in her car seat and pram. The talented knitter who gifted Olivia's blanket and inspired me to make one told me that it was easy to make, and it only took her a week to complete. So with a little over two weeks before my nephews expected arrival I started knitting....it was a good thing he was late. A break from the knitting needles, combined with caring for a three month old and twenty one month old meant that I wasn't on my best form, some how I managed to knit on the wrong side and had to undo a lot of work which may have led to tears, blame it on the hormones, and it is painfully apparent that all the holes aren't neatly lined up. However, that little guy can look at his not so perfect blanket and know that his Aunty loved him and was willing to give him her time even before he had entered the world.
The inspiration (green given to Olivia) and my creation....slightly obvious which one the sleep deprived Mum made. |
My cards are a bit naff and if Lara was just a little bit older I'd probably tell people she made them, but again, making them is a process I enjoy, and it shows the recipient that they are special enough for you to make time to make something for them-even if it means forgoing vital sleeping time.
The offspring was affectionately known as chick whilst it was incubating. |
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