Wednesday 17 February 2016

In The Veggie Garden

Bountiful harvest.

So much is happening out in the veggie garden at the moment. Lunch and dinner salad both came from the backyard, despite the battle I'm currently having with fruit fly. I say battle, but I really haven't been doing much defence other than removing fruit that has been attacked, and doing my best to keep the garden bed tidy. But today I had had enough, and I upped my ante. I removed every tomato that was of harvesting size and have brought them inside to ripen on the window sill.

Soon I will start researching what to do about fruit fly. Organic gardening is hard, I don't remember it being this hard five years ago, but I keep reminding myself to stick it out and nature will get back in balance.

In other news, the worm farm that I purchased on line from Compost Revolution as part of Lara's Christmas present has finally arrived, and she loves it....the last few mornings we have been outside straight after breakfast feeding the worms and the chickens. Man I love the little person that she is developing into. Each night I think about everything I haven't done, but obviously I'm doing a lot right to have such wonderful children.

My little farmer girl.

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