Wednesday 11 July 2018

Winter Gardening on the Northern Beaches-All Organic, With Kids and Chic...

Lara and I had a lovely day today, cuddling, taking things easy and then venturing out in to the backyard to get things done. I guess not all sick days have to be terrible...yes, she didn't go to kindy today because she vomited three times first thing in the morning and felt rotten for hours-I think it had something to do with her skulling 400mls of water when she woke up. Fingers crossed that's all it was.

So Olivia had her first day at kindy without her sister there, which resulted in a few minutes of crying when we left and her needing a teacher cuddle so we could leave, but then she had a great day, as did Lara and I. We were well overdue for some one-on-one time.

We looked after the chickens, worked the compost bins (yes, we have more than one) and planted some seeds. All in all it was a lovely day.

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