Thursday 1 December 2011

Kitchen Garden Goal Update

I thought I would give you an update on how we are going with our Kitchen Garden Goal that started from no where on Thursday, you can see the post here. Since my first post on Friday 25 November about our goal to have something from the garden in every dinner, we have been eating out more than usual-due to the silly season, and Mark wanting to catch up on date nights from when I was in Melbourne for the week.

On Friday it was still raining and cold, and after a week of such weather it felt like winter, so we had roast beef with pumpkin which warmed the house and my tummy. Sadly the only thing from the garden in this meal were the herbs, but they were in there all the same.

Roast beef and pumpkin with homegrown herbs

Saturday morning was poached eggs with salmon and dill on homemade bread, and the only store bought part of that meal was the salmon. It tasted extra special.

Homemade bread, homegrown eggs and dill, with store bought salmon

Saturday lunch was leftover roast beef on homemade bread with homegrown and made green tomato relish and Mezuna leaves from the garden-they were added after the photo.

Roast beef sambo (Australian for sandwich)
On Saturday night we went out for dinner, which gave me inspiration to try my hand at making meat balls.

Sunday lunch was a long one, spent enjoying the sunshine, dining out with family, and after it I wasn't really hungry for dinner and wanted something light. So Mark made a delicious omelet that was packed full of mushrooms and bacon (both store-bought items that I hope to produce one day) and garden herbs.

On Monday night Mark and I made a team effort in the kitchen and made meatballs which were delicious-even with the Asian flavours that he snuck in to my Italian meatballs. The squeezing of the meat to get the proteins binding was also slightly therapeutic, but not as much as flattening it out between my hands was. There were lots of herbs from the garden, and a few tiny tomatoes thrown in at the end to lighten things up. But no photograph, sorry.

These efforts will continue, and I will keep you updated on our progress. Naturally you will start to see more posts about the veggie garden as I really need to plant some more food to support out efforts.

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