Friday 2 December 2011

What is it with Mum's, wedding dresses and tears?

OK, for some background info I should tell you that Mark proposed back in July after many years of courtship, and our wedding is scheduled for April; April Fool's Day to be precise.

A few months back my sister and I went wedding dress shopping whilst my highly sociable Mum was attending a friend's wedding. My sis' and I weren't expecting to find the dress, but we were aiming to get a feel for what I wanted (I never was the little girl who dreamed about her wedding so I had no idea). In one day I tried on 18 dresses, being open minded to all sorts of options. Surprisingly I tried on a dress that perfectly ticked two of my three boxes, whilst the third box was the exact opposite of what I thought I wanted. I'm glad that Dee from Marry Me Bridal pulled it off the rack for me, because once it was on, it was my dress. I didn't want to take it off. Proof that you should always be open minded and explore every option available.

So the dress was ordered back in October, just in the nick-of-time as I learnt that you must order your wedding dress six months in advance-take note ladies. At the time of ordering the dress I was in-between sizes, but I've been having so much fun getting my ass kicked back in to gear by my Personal Trainer at Vision that my jeans are now falling down, my thighs are no longer rubbing together, and unfortunately my lovely 'fun bags' have disappeared. So yesterday I went in to get remeasured and invited my Mum and Mum-in-Law (fast forward a few months) to come with me to see the dress. And this is when they started to cry. Imagine what they are going to be like on the wedding day! What is it that makes woman cry when they see someone in a wedding dress?! I simply don't understand it, I know the joy I felt when I found the dress, but there weren't any water works. I can also assure you that there was no champagne involved, but they were so giddy that anyone would be forgiven for thinking they had drunk a bottle each. My sister and I didn't cry when we found the dress two months ago....but we did go and have a glass of bubbles to celebrate afterwards. Maybe it's a generational thing, and maybe my sister will cry on the wedding day and throw that theory out the window.

Regardless of tears of joy and the lack there of, I'm pretty chuffed to have these great ladies in my life, who I continue to learn from after all these years. Without our equally strong opinions and our abilities to openly share them with one another I wouldn't be having so much fun preparing for my once in a life-time event, which thankfully is forcing us to spend more quality time together.

Whilst I vouched not to go wedding crazy on my blog, this is the place where I keep a record of my daily adventures, so the odd bit of wedding stuff is going to sneak in here and there, particularly as the day is fast approaching. But don't worry, I'm the complete opposite to a 'bridezilla'. I do need to find the perfect autumn flower with a vintage touch to it though, so I would appreciate any suggestions that you may have.

Today's mission; find a photographer.

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