Thursday 15 February 2018

It's Not My Top

My days with miss Olivia are always a good mix of fun and challenging moments. This kid is the cheekiest little person you will ever meet, wants to be good, but will be as defiant as all hell if she sees an opportunity. Today was no different. We've had a lovely morning "hanging-out, just the two of us" as she put it at breakfast, since Lara goes to kindy on Thursdays, and Olivia doesn't.

Today Olivia has been helping me clean the fish pond, chop down palm trunks, hang out washing, and look after the chickens. After all that you would think a two-and-a-half-year-old would be tired, but apparently she wasn't. So, being an easy going, fun Mum, I decided to give in to her requests for telly time, and to sit and have a quiet cuddle with her, and wait for her to fall asleep.....problem was, I fell asleep, and she woke me up by sticking her finger under my nose and saying "Mum, I pooped!". You have got to be effin' kidding me. This kid is toilet trained, when she wants to be. So, to avoid too many gross details, I took her clothes off her, and left her sitting on the toilet, whilst I washed everything. Under my breath I mumbled "seriously kid, how did you manage to get poo on your top", thinking she didn't hear me, and her dry response was "it isn't my top". The apple doesn't fall far from my husband's and my tree. I have to laugh. Thankfully my little smarty pants is now napping.....and she's lucky she is so darn cute. 

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