Wednesday 16 May 2018

Just Be In The Present Moment

Today I did something really stupid, it's fixable, but it made me be terribly cruel to myself AND did bring on an almighty anxiety attack, which I haven't had for years. This led to me to think two things:
1) I've had my anxiety under control for so long that I'd almost forgotten about it (how lucky am I?!), but how did I let it sneak back up on me?, and 2) If I wasn't trying to process five different things at once I would have been focusing on the task at hand and not done the stupid thing in the first place-I need to slow down and be in the present moment.

For the past few weeks I've been telling many of my friends to slow down and be kind to themselves, and whilst I've been slowing down and spending really mindful time with my kids, I haven't really been looking after myself the last few days, I just hadn't realised it. I guess I did think "I haven't meditated for a few days" when I was going to sleep last night, but I dismissed it, when in hindsight I really shouldn't have. I guess it's time I start scheduling in me time so that I make mindfulness a daily exercise-kind of like those pelvic floor exercises that I also curse when I forget them for a few days.

 I need to reset and follow my own rules that I know work:

1. When I have lots to do, write a list, it puts things in perspective. Focus on one thing and one thing only and cross one thing off  the list at a time by being in the present moment.
2. Breath-especially when you eff up, and allow yourself to eff up. If you are being self critical pause and think "what would I say to my best friend if they just did this?" certainly not what you're saying to yourself. Be kind to yourself-in the present moment and always. Your mind controls you if you let it, you must control your mind.
3. Slow down and do the fun things that make you happy first-walk past your empty recycling bin on the street and go and enjoy lunch and a cup-of-tea before you bring them in to your yard.

Treat yourself like your best friend would treat you-and then tell them to do the same.

What are your tricks for a fast reset when things gets a little hectic for you?

P.S. Another good thing that came from my drama today was seeing the good in strangers. There are still plenty of people out there who care about others.

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